
Personal development and brief therapy

 What is a phobia
and why do we have phobias?

By : Ienke Keijzer

Many people suffer from phobias or other excessive emotional reactivities. 
But what exactly is a phobia? 
Why do we have phobias and disproportionate emotional reactions? 
And are we obliged to live with them? The answer is NO ! we are not obliged to live with a handicapping phobia or any other emotional overreacting.
 List of phobias and their more complicated names  

By : Ienke Keijzer

I suppose you know the words arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces, and claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces. But did you know that the word for fear of heights is acrophobia, the fear of clows coulrophobia and the fear of needles, trypanophobia? 

« Dear miss Keijzer, congratulations on your writing which I find easy to read and concise. 
Your articles are very interesting and complete and I am looking forward to reading much more soon !  »
Anna - therapist - Sweden

« I have just read your article about the eye movements techniques and I insist on thanking you for it. As a therapist, I had a lot of questions about the subject and thought the techniques were out of reach for me as a non medical therapist, as the EMDR training is not open for all therapists. Reading the article it seems it is not and I am looking forward to working with the technique in my practice. I have already tested the protocol from the article on myself and even if I was a little sceptical about doing it on myself, I am thrilled ! In a few minutes, a problem I had for years just vanished and I feel so relieved! I will most definitively buy your book Connect Disconnect Reconnect as soon as  you publish it in English (as my French is really bad ;-)
Thank you again !  »
Judith - psycho pratititioner - the Netherlands


How to get rid of excessive emotional reactivities

and phobias

(2017 - English version 2021)

Ienke Keijzer



Reprogram the brain

to live the life you want to live

(2018 - soon to be published in English)

Ienke Keijzer

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